ASK YOURSELF: 50 Questions for Sel...by frances
► have you asked yourself these important questions?

questions for yourselfby yolo jwz
This is not a book, read this and anwser it for yourself. ask someone this same question and find out what it can mean for people and why it means that for them. (self e...

Just to help through itby Cristina2431
This isn't a story but questions to help you think, quotes to help get through it and more.

So Many Questionsby Sophia Grace
A bunch of random but fun questions to answer or just think about.

Dear diaryby sankrush
Ich stelle mich tagtäglich die verschiedensten Fragen. Wieso ist das so? Was ist dieses Gefühl? Wie sieht meine Zukunft aus? Niemand kann mir diese Fragen beantworten, a...