Detective Conan: Life as Conan Ayeeeeshama
After Sinichi shrunk into a seven year old kid he is force to hid his identity and live as Conan Edogawa, those are movement when Sinichi solved cases and still hides h...
Guess the riddleby Ayeeeeshama
here I will give a riddle and you will guess it meaning
one riddle per week and the winner will be announced on the following chapter
if you win five times You get a...
Death (a Collection Of Poems) by Ayeeeeshama
What I am currently feeling,
My first collection of poems hope you enjoy reading.
Seamas Kevin :meeting with Ayeeeeshama
When Seamas met with Albert Henry after a long fight....Charles Kingsley was murdered the only suspect Gallico Harris was murdered also........who is the murder of th...
Best Quotesby Ayeeeeshama
Do you want to know who you are?act! action will delicate and define you"
Thomas Jefferson.
Let no...
My Own Personal Book(tagged)by Ayeeeeshama
No body who wants to be somebody.
I may put my random thoughts if I am bored.
Once Upon a time (A Nigerian Ayeeeeshama
"Life is so promising, it turns out to be a therapist , but becomes worst enemy of humanity afterword"
It has been a year since her father's death , but i...