Sonic: The Fastest Hero in Parisby Lele
Title: Sonic: The Fastest Hero in Paris
Summary: In an unexpected twist of fate, Sonic the Hedgehog, after a chaotic misadventure in space, crash-lands into Paris and me...
Shadows of Auroraby EOwrites
Aurora had always been a town shrouded in mystery. Nestled deep in the heart of an ancient forest, it was a place where legends came to life and secrets whispered throug...
Shards of Darkness: Echoes of Odinby
In a world abandoned by the gods darkness seeks dominion. Elric, once resigned to the fatal grip of cancer and yearning for the peace of the afterlife, now finds himself...
The Portal at the National mikayla lin
As a normal-ish day to the National Invention Convention becomes weirder and weirder, twins Madeline and Marcus Ellwood get pulled into a whirlwind adventure against evi...