The Mutant Hero and Team Possible...by Yumie Yashagoro
Raiden Darkholme is a young teenage mutant and son of Raven Darkholme, aka Mystique. Who recently moved to Middleton with his mother getting away from their former life...
Oceans Other Sideby ZaneDuhCupcake
At Bayville high there is much in love and war. A girl named Kallie is popular in good and bad ways, she will soon come to know about the return of her enemy Jonas, but...
Reasons to choose quartz counterto...by Aphrodite Marble & Granite
Why we choose quartz countertops for kitchen or bathroom?
Quartz countertop is durable with various design options, quartz is popular alternative to granite and marble w...
The Rise of Aqualink [Pokemon & X...by Yumie Yashagoro
Kieran Magmaroot is a fourteen-year-old boy and son of Jennifer Magmaroot and Archer Winstrom an executive from Team Rocket, his life is a complex whirlwind of tension a...