Bloombolt Stories

8 Stories

Ash Journeys version without Goh by Rekuta1
Ash Journeys version without Gohby Rekuta
This story was originally based on HungjuiChiu's Ash's Story Journey Version fanfiction. I kinda wanna make my own version because of it. The story started at episode 2...
I  Guess So.. (Chloe X Ash) by IzekStuff
I Guess So.. (Chloe X Ash)by IsaacStuff
a retry at Blossoming Love, enjoy! Ash X Chloe
When Two Fates Collide by TheIdiotSiblings
When Two Fates Collideby Neer23
Just an attempt to recreate the story, I once had. Not much to say, so enjoy the read!
Her Shy Personality by TheRubberDuckyPixils
Her Shy Personalityby soul spinel
After Ash leaves his mom, Delia, off on another journey to explore the things he missed, he starts thinking about a possible scenario. He remembers the kiss with Serena...
Bloom With Dreams by RizeonIDK
Bloom With Dreamsby RizeonIDK
This is my first story ever that im writing so it's probably won't be that good but it will definitely improve soon Anyways this is the story of the ship between Ash and...
Working Together by KatsukiBakugo2111
Working Togetherby Ash Ketchum
Chloe is called to perform a job together with Ash for his father, but what the others don't know is that Chloe has been nurturing a feeling for the boy from Pallet City...
The Nighttime Suns: A Pokemon Horizons AU by TheRubberDuckyPixils
The Nighttime Suns: A Pokemon soul spinel
Ash and Chloe (as bloombolt) join the Rising Volt Tacklers on their missions and adventures, to learn more and have fun. Liko and Roy know Chloe as a Pokemon Professor's...
Choices for the Future by KatsukiBakugo2111
Choices for the Futureby Ash Ketchum
Chloe Cerise is a girl who does not know which path to follow, will Ash be able to help the girl in her choice?