#1Master of the Airby wemaurer401Poem about World War Onerichardsonmaurerbobgrieb+5 more #2Listening to Neil Young and Bob Dy...by wemaurer1711Free verse pertaining to Neil Young and Bob Dylan songsjohnmaurerjillmaurerdebbieharfstrichardson+6 more #3Darlingtonia Californicaby wemaurer001Prose a plant purchasedjohnrichardsonmarybonne+5 more #4Mom Prayed for You and Meby wemaurer001poem about my mother and all those she prayed fordebbieharfstrichardsonjohnrichardsonjillmaurer+6 more #5A Lady Bug Taleby wemaurer001Sonnet about cherry trees and lady bugsbonnebobgriebmarygrieb+4 more #6My Summer Dreamby wemaurer101A Sonnettt about summerbobgriebbonnemaurerdebbieharfstrichardson+5 more #7John Lennon's Jukeboxby wemaurer001Poem about John Lennon's jukeboxpennyniadnajillmaurerkirkmaurer+5 more #8The Cream Filled Sponge Cakeby wemaurer801A sonnet about a specific cream filled sponge cakebonnemarygriebdebbieharfstrichardson+4 more #9Kevin Pillar Versus Cincinattiby wemaurer201Haiku about one SF Giants catchjohnmaurerbobgriebjillmaurer+3 more #10The Invisible Catby wemaurer401A sonnet about an invisible cat,debbieharfstbonnemaurerjohnrichardson+3 more #11Paradise Lostby wemaurer001Sonnet about World War Onejohnrichardsonmarygriebjillmaurer+2 more #12WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACKby wemaurer401A couple of thoughts coming to mind about ducksjillmaurerjohnrichardsonnancykirkland+3 more #13The Color Purpleby wemaurer1901Sonnet about the color purplemaurermarygriebbobgrieb+4 more #14A Condiment of Choiceby wemaurer101Sonnet about a condiment I likebonnejillmaurermaurer+4 more #15Can a Buffalo Climb a Treeby wemaurer001Sonnet about Mark Twain'a trip from Mississippi to Nevadabobgriebdebbieharfstrichardsonmarygrieb+3 more #16The Snail and the Inchwormby wemaurer701Sonnet about a snail and an inchwormbonnemaurerlanibobgrieb+7 more #17Fleasby wemaurer901Sonnet about Lady and Tramp, and fleasjohnrichardsonmaurerbobgrieb+4 more #18The Scare Crowby wemaurer001Free verse short story about a scare crowjohnrichardsonbobgriebkirkmaurer+5 more #19It's Hard Eneoughby wemaurer301Sonnettt about things mot always going rightjillmaurerdebbieharfstrichsrdsonpennyniadns+7 more #20It Started with Teaby wemaurer501Inspired by the Petticoat Dualdebbieharfstrichardsonjillmaurermarygrieb+2 more