#1Lipstick and Sunsetsby wemaurer001Sonnett about thoughts about John Hiatt's song Lipstick Sunsetdebbieharfstrichardsonjillmaurerbobgrieb+2 more #2A Desire for a Lighter Mealby wemaurer501A sonnet about mixed feelings for being hungrybonnemaurerbobgriebjillmaurer+3 more #3Ode to a Swimming Poolby wemaurer411An ode pertaining to a Swimming pooljillmaurerbobgriebbonnemaurer+3 more #4Master of the Airby wemaurer401Poem about World War Onemaurermarygriebjohn+5 more #5The Fly, The Bee, and the Birdsby wemaurer801A forty-two line sonnet short storyrichardsondebbieharfstrichardsonjohnrichardson+6 more #6Grasshoppers by wemaurer201Horror short story sonnet about grasshoppersjillmaurermarygriebjohnrichardson+2 more #7From the Range to Town on a Rough...by wemaurer401A sooner about a cowboy's rough daymarygriebbobgriebdebbieharfstrichardson+3 more #8The Color Purpleby wemaurer1901Sonnet about the color purplejillmaurerbonnejohnrichardson+4 more #9John Lennon's Jukeboxby wemaurer001Poem about John Lennon's jukeboxpennyniadnajillmaurerbobgrieb+5 more #10It Started with Teaby wemaurer501Inspired by the Petticoat Dualjohnrichardsonbobgriebdebbieharfstrichardson+2 more #11Jack Irishby wemaurer101Acrostic poem about TV, movie, and crime novel character, Jack Irishbonnemaurerbobgriebdebbieharfstrichardson+3 more #12Cowboysby wemaurer302Sonnettt about some of my favorite cowboysmarygriebjohnrichardsonkirkmaurer+6 more #13Joaquinby wemaurer501Acrostic poem about first grandsondebbieharfstrichardsonjillmaurerjohnrichardson+2 more #14Pigeons at the Ballparkby wemaurer901Free verse about baseball announcers, Dwayne Kuiper and Mike Krukow's, commentary about pigeons at Oracle Parkkirkmaurermarygriebbonnemaurer+3 more #15McCoveyby wemaurer1401My sonnet to Willie McCoveydebbieharfstrichardsonjohnbobgrieb+6 more #16Fleasby wemaurer901Sonnet about Lady and Tramp, and fleasmaurerbonnejillmaurer+4 more #17Skyscrapers by wemaurer501Poem about skyscrapersdebbieharfstrichardsonjohnrichardsonmarygrieb+4 more #18Maggie's Bluesby wemaurer001Free verse about a girl named Maggiedebbieharfstrichardsonjohnrichardsonjillmaurer+1 more #19Paradise Lostby wemaurer001Sonnet about World War Onebobgriebjohnrichardsondebbieharfstrichardson+2 more #20Five Lettersby wemaurer001A Name Poembobgriebdebbieharfstrichardsonmarygrieb