"When Zumbi Comes", AFRICA BRASIL...by joel_sattlersongs61701brazilian-musicmpbb-pop+7 more O BÊBADO E A EQUILIBRISTA by Bosco...by joel_sattlersongs29821b-popsambabrazilian-music+7 more Songs by CARTOLA with lyrics in En...by joel_sattlersongs2.3K11poemmpbbrazil+6 more "What a Way to Go!", MAS QUE NADA...by joel_sattlersongs18701b-popbossa-novabrazilian-music+5 more "Forget My Name", CARINHOSO by Pix...by joel_sattlersongs39011sambab-popbrasil+5 more "Do What You Will", TRISTE by Anto...by joel_sattlersongs29401song-lyricstom-jobimbrasil+5 more "Brazil: Birth of the Samba", BRAS...by joel_sattlersongs43801b-popbrazilbrazilian-music+3 more "I Got A Good Thing Going" VAI LEV...by joel_sattlersongs23201brazilian-musicsong-lyricspoem+5 more "If Only", VOCÊ NÃO ME ENSINOU A T...by joel_sattlersongs28601b-popbrasilbrazil+3 more "She Walks in Beauty" VOCÊ É LINDA...by joel_sattlersongs85711brazilpoembrasil+2 more "So Alone", SOZINHO by Peninha, su...by joel_sattlersongs18701bossa-novabrazilian-musicbrazil+1 more "Say You Will", SEM VOCÊ by Antoni...by joel_sattlersongs9101brazilian-musicb-popbossa-nova+1 more "Our Day in the Sun", É PRECISO DI...by joel_sattlersongs11501bossa-novatom-jobim SAMBA DE VERÃO by Marcos Valle, ne...by joel_sattlersongs34101bossa-novabrazilian-musicb-pop+1 more "For Love", MULHER SEMPRE MULHER b...by joel_sattlersongs21601bossa-novatom-jobim LAMENTO NO MORRO by Antonio Carlos...by joel_sattlersongs40601bossa-novatom-jobimvinicius-de-moraes "A Song in Praise of Children", ES...by joel_sattlersongs30201tom-jobimbrazilbossa-nova+4 more "You Still Have to Go On Living" E...by joel_sattlersongs12901tom-jobimbossa-novavinicius-de-moraes+3 more "If That's Just How It Is" SE É PO...by joel_sattlersongs6701tom-jobimbrazilian-musicsong-lyrics+4 more Translations of famous Brazilian s...by joel_sattlersongs1.7K31songsbrazilmpb+8 more