#1buff cop x reader (again)by mimi38451this contains seggy seggs , if u dont like it then 🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️‼️buffcopbuffcopxreader #2buff cop fanfic (gonna kms)by mimi23131this was for tiktok, dont sue pls ☺️‼️buffcopbuffcopdh #3Trying new things by Cali51434161You and buff cop get a lil freaky😏buffcop #4Buff cop x readerby GL0W7721405Uhhh, I made this cus I was bored NOT SMUT (yet)buffcopfanfictionroblox #5Buff Cop x Readerby Strawberry1.9K266All of y'all going to hell. Smile 😍📸 New chapters will be posted in between 12-5AM ESTbuffcop