My Little Pony: The Movie, The Los...by GTREX1012
When the Storm King & Dark Curse attack Equestria, the Mane 6, Dragon Strike Force and their friends and family have to travel beyond Equestria to save their home. They...
The Daughter Of Captain Celaenoby New Gypsy
Celaena has been in the orphanage since she was 3,and now she is 18.She can't remember her past,but only has a necklace that says "Together In Canterlot",and a...
Capperby New Gypsy
Capper is a street rat that dreams to live in the palace. Princess Celaeno wishes to see the world,and to marry for love. When they meet,Capper falls deeply in love with...
Date your favorite new MLP the Mov...by New Gypsy
Have you ever felt a spark for Tempest Shadow?A calling for Captain Celaeno?Thought Queen Novo as the pearl of your heart?Come RP,and win their hearts!
mlp the hunchback of notre dame rpby New Gypsy
Captain Celaeno as Esmeralda
Quasimodo's Mother:Open
Guard that appears in "Hellfire":Open
Luna as The Archdeacon
My Little Pony: The Movie, Clash o...by GTREX1012
It was the day of the Friendship Festival, ponies from all over Equestria come to celebrate. But it didn't last long, it was interrupted when the Storm King's army invad...
Captain Celaeno x soarin by Emily...by emilyloveson
Wat love story for Captain Celaeno will be. Well this one is perfect. 😍😊😃😁