The Descendants of the Ascendance...by Adelade Eckbert
This is a story written by me, shadowsarestalkers, and LuckyLovesBroadway. It is one story from 3 girls perspectives. Adelade, daughter of Imogen and Jaron, Nessarose, d...
Ascendance series one shots!by 727fandomwriter
Tons of one shots from the Ascendance series!!
Also if you want to change these into a story DM me!!!! Id love for you to do it!
Gifted: A Spoof Ascendance Series...by Honeydew. com
Two Tobias's, Fink is a rat god, Mott can strangle anyone, ascending Jaron, magical Imogen, manipulative Roden and Amarinda, and book wizard Tobias. What type of fever d...