The Legend of Diana: Claiomh Solai...by Fluna98
In the land of Hyrule, a brave girl from the forest of Arcturus named Akko is being chosen to go out and venture into the forest and discover the lands outside the villa...
Acampamento de ferias Luna Novaby Fluna98
Atsuko Kagari, uma garota bastante entusiasta e animada com suas paixões sendo uma das principais dela o skateboard, a qual sempre sonhou em ser uma skatista profissiona...
The Legend of Diana: Claiomh Solaisby Fluna98
Na terra de Hyrule uma corajosa garota da floresta de Arcturus chamada Akko está sendo mais uma escolhida para sair e se aventurar pela floresta e conhecer as terras for...
Luna Nova Holiday Campby Fluna98
Atsuko Kagari, a young girl very passionate, specially with Skateboard and a her idol Chariot Du Nord, also known as Shiny Chariot, in which she always says that her tri...
The Moonlit Girls (NOT Original)by ImAnOldGal
This book is NOT, and I repeat, NOT original. The original is this;https://archiveofourown.org/works/16299629?view_full_work=true.
Luna Nova Rebirthby Fluna98
Like a Phoenix, Luna Nova will come back from its ashes, with the fights and missions of the girls that will bring new hope to the witch world going against all odds, ag...