Chrisyukine Stories

5 Stories

"Our Dreams and Futures" Symphogear x Zero-One by Kamen_Rider_001
"Our Dreams and Futures" Gotchanko! SteamHopper!
Takiyama Hiden is the new president of Hiden Intelligence following the passing of his father, Aruto Hiden, due to an unknown illness. Eager to live up to the expectatio...
Mermaid Symphogear Melody  by CureMajesty
Mermaid Symphogear Melody by 🌸Kamiya🌸
Miku Kohinata is a young girl who live with her best friend Hibiki Tachibana at Lydian Academy. She discovered that her friend is a symphogear user and that she risk her...
Symphogear: Reverence ...The Day When God Chose You by ShadowPixels
Symphogear: Reverence ...The Day ShadowPixels
This is a Symphogear re-write idea I've had for awhile. It is my own take on how I would write the story given everything we know since the story concluded.
Senki Zesshou Symphogear: ZERO by SG_Zeronian
Senki Zesshou Symphogear: ZEROby Zeronian
Symphogear Zero is the Upcoming Fan-Fictional Story based on the original anime television franchise. The Story takes place in a completely different category of reality...