The Angry Birds Movie: Silver Lini...by Queen of Nerds
Five years after the Battle of Piggy Island, life on Bird Island has been wonderful. Red's been accepted as a member of the community, Chuck's found true love (hard to b...
Angry Birds One Shots by Queen of Nerds
Come join the birds as they enjoy life on their quaint, simple little island.
(One shots can be requested by you!)
Angry Birds ¿Match or Destination?by Art_LeotheHedghog17
After the great feat of recovering their eggs the Angry Birds return to normal until the arrival of new birds to the course of anger. Hara love affairs, adventures, susp...
SQUAD (An Angry Birds FanFic)by Audrey Belle Syah
It's a lotta stories from the WHOLE Angry Birds Squad. The squad grows bigger, and bigger by the time. But, the stories were only imagines (not based on the movie). A mi...