When Fates's Too Cruelby Nah...Too long
In the very dawn of time, a tale unfolds with a spark of intrigue. It begins when 'ol Pandy cracked open that mysterious walnut, unleashing the swarming mosquitos of doo...
Quick Transmigration: Host Dada, T...by bob
Bai Wei was a hacker in a star pirate crew in the 3rd century. He died after being betrayed by his comrades. In the afterlife he was contracted by a system to go to vari...
Jokai's Bizzare Adventure Part 1:...by Joy-Danpaa
After an early death 16-year-old, Jōshō Ukai meets the very Gods
themselves Luna and Celestia tell him of the world called Pandora where they plan to reincarnate him to...
King Of Death: Retribution by Athy
Tsuki Matabu arrived at his apartment after finally leaving juvenile probation, even though he has amnesia with trying to remember certain things. He opened his door onl...
Reincarnation After 6000 Years: 0...by Ruan Ruzious
6000 years ago, the Demon King Arius the traitor lead a rebellion against the ruler of Heaven. The Supreme Entity in an act of retaliation banished the Demon King and hi...
Reaper of the Drifting Moonby 傅妮丝
[He's in the deepest part of Jianghu.
Keep your eyes wide open.
If you do not wish to get dragged into the abyss.
Kidnapped children raised 7 years in darkness for a sin...
Banished Villainessby inlovewithmyselfduh
Author : Ougi Tsukumo, Shirahadori, 扇つくも, 白羽鳥
Status : complete
Chapter : 152 + epilogue
[Note : This ENDING might be unacceptable for some people so do...
Reincarnated as a little girl?by whatdafuamidoing
[Story will have swear words.]
Our protagonist was an otaku and hid that fact from everyone.
After he gave up hiding this fact, he was eventually scorned by his friends...