Title: A Special Connection Betwee...by kia Lee
His Royal Highness, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Her Royal Highness, The Crown Princess Eleonora of Denmark, have shared a unique bond since their early...
Earth, The Number One Tourist Spotby HighInCoco
No plot, just Earth in Star Wars. The story is focused on the cultural exchange between Earth and the Galactic Republic. This is an experimental story.
A Journey Beyond Worldsby SAMA
Transported into a fantasy world, two women-Soumeyra, a pious Muslim devoted to her faith, and Natalie, a determined soul with dreams of adventure-must navigate a new re...
The Price of Equalityby anomandaris111
In a universe of diverse species, the Drovendrons claim to have mastered equality, but at what cost? Join Krau, a skeptical Seraphim scientist, and his wife Kreia as the...
TALES OF Brave Bridesby Piku GYUN
Delve into the captivating pages of 'TALES OF Brave Brides,' a collection that unveils the extraordinary narratives of courageous women defying convention on their weddi...
Chronicles of the Time Stoneby A
An archaeological discovery propels Aisha, a Malaysian student, and six companions from different historical eras into a future they never imagined. Stuck in a world of...
From Pranks to Promises: Our Trans...by Demon Dog
Across Continents, Bound by Love" is a heartwarming and captivating tale that chronicles the extraordinary journey of two souls, bridging the gap of distance and cu...
A Journey Beyond Timeby Rune Guy
In the opening chapter of "A Journey Beyond Time," Ethan Ravenshield, a man facing the imminent demise of a crashing plane, finds himself transported to a medi...
The Enchanted Caveby tahabouallal_1
The book tells an engaging story about Yuki and his new friends-Amari, James, and Thiago-who meet at the International University of Rabat. Their friendship blossoms as...