Izuku Midoriya, the Evil Cucumber...by DeathInstinct25
Izuku Midoiriya becoming the Reincarnation of the Legendary Evil Saiyan of Ancient times. Will he overcome the Evil Nature of his Past Incarnation or will he fail and De...
male reader x blackfire by J.W
y/n or his more common name cumber was an evil saiyan who was teleported from the past to the present and was imprisoned by the galactic patrol till he escaped
The evil one's journeyby Cumber, Evil Saiyan
This is the story of the evilest saiyan:Cumber.Because all i notice is Goku this Goku that or Vegito or Vegeta but this....this will change things.He will be noticed for...
dbs readerby CrownedSoul
This story is about a demi god, that was born naturally gifted with abonormally high instincts. And gains something similar to ultra instinct called the chaos instinct...
The monster they created(RWBY x Be...by Vortex’s Multiverse
Y/N L/N a monkey faunus or that's what people thought but continuing he live a nice life he lost his parents from the start but made friends when he arrive at beacon but...
Nowa Cumberżona - Benedict Cumberb...by MajaMajaBu
TI jest trzynastoletnią Cumberbiczą, kocha Benedykta ponad wszystko, a jej pokój jest wypełniony jego twarzą. Ma ona niepokojąco wiele gadżetów z nim zwi...