Darkcurse Stories

27 Stories

Regina's Jewel by Just_dream_bigx
Regina's Jewelby Just_dream_big
Jewel Rose Mills is the only daughter of Regina Mills and Daniel and the only good thing to come out of that relationship. After her father had gotten killed by her gran...
Snowflake (Peter Pan OUAT x Reader) by StellaSnow287
Snowflake (Peter Pan OUAT x Reader)by StellaSnow287
The pain had been just as much in both worlds. But in one you drowned it out with fighting and learning everything you could. In the other, you simply numbed yourself, f...
"I SEE GOOD IN YOU." twenty eight years have passed since the evil queen's curse ripped them from their realm and for many of those carlos has been under the m...
Dream Catcher Dream Breaker by ArtisticFangirl18
Dream Catcher Dream Breakerby Winter
What if Neal never turned Emma in? What if Neal and Emma ran off to find Tallahassee? What if August and Neal go on a trip to Storybrooke too early? Somehow there was...
The Queen's Golden Baby by Theo_goldengirl
The Queen's Golden Babyby Theo_goldengirl
Have you ever thought that the two most powerful and feared sorcerers in all the realms would get together and create a family? Well, I did. I have asked myself how peop...
Queen of Nothing by MyLostQueen
Queen of Nothingby MyLostQueen
Peter Pan, helped by his most loyal lost boy Chris, casted a curse on Storybrooke's inhabitants to finally find out who Emily loved the most. They took away the happy en...
Dark Curse - Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) - Book One by Deya0302
Dark Curse - Worlds Colliding (Onc...by Deya Halliwell
There's a town in Maine, here every storybook character you've ever known Is trapped between two worlds Victims of a powerful curse that can only be broken by one perso...
Welcome to a Nightmare by starchild10
Welcome to a Nightmareby starchild10
A twist on the Black Fairy's curse, when Henry wakes up, the quiet town of Storybrooke has become a wasteland filled with crime, casinos, and something dark looming bene...
Into The Jungle  by ScarletWolfStories
Into The Jungle by ScarletWolfStories
During the dark curse all fairytale characters from all lands were sent to StoryBrooke. This included Neverland. Peter Pan is the leader of the most feared gang in town...
Once upon a time the 2nd daughter of Emma Swan & Killian Jones  by Jevanssnapepotter
Once upon a time the 2nd daughter...by Joule potter
The birth of Emma Swan and Killian Jones 2nd children during the starting of their new beginning in Storybook Hope Swan Jones is now one year old Emma is now pregnant ...
Once Upon A Curse by sams81130
Once Upon A Curseby sams81130
Imagine that everything you have ever believed and everything that you have ever known to be true... Was actually a lie. Meet Ivy Belfrey, a waitress at the local dine...
FAIR IS THE ROSE  ━  once upon a time by harrenhaIs
FAIR IS THE ROSE ━ once upon a t...by SIERRA
Cora Mills  by GabbyAddison1
Cora Mills by GabbyAddison1
Regina Mills had a daughter. Cora Daniella Mills. However, at a young age, Cora Mills, Regina's mother of which her daughter is named after, tried to corrupt the young g...
Unleashed Fury: The Vanguard Boxing Saga by TheSecretWordsmith
Unleashed Fury: The Vanguard Boxin...by WhoAmI2Be
🥊 Unleashed Fury: The Vanguard Boxing Saga🥊 Get ready to step into the electrifying world of professional boxing like never before! "Unleashed Fury: The Vanguard...
Once Upon A Time: A New Beginning by MiaaRay
Once Upon A Time: A New Beginningby Mia Ray
What is love? What is hate? What would you do if people closest to you stab you in the back? How far are you willing to go in order to save your family, friends? Would y...
Once Upon A Time season 8 by OnceUponAseason8
Once Upon A Time season 8by Once Upon A Time season 8
Regina, now crowned the Good Queen, leads with a master hand over the New United Realms. But, little by little, things change and a shadow spreads. Fifteen years after...
The Huntsman's Daughter by queen_of_the_woods
The Huntsman's Daughterby FantasyFreak
Artemis Castor, daughter of the huntsman, is at peace with her lot in the enchanted forest. Between dodging the evil queen and hunting alongside her father, she's happy...
Sweet Dreams |*OUAT*| by Deya0302
Sweet Dreams |*OUAT*|by Deya Halliwell
Once upon a time in the Enchanted forest, a girl born with long magical hair was cursed by dark magic after a deal went wrong. Magic comes with a price, she was told No...
Begin Again ON HOLD by manyfanficz
Begin Again ON HOLDby Emma :)
Right after Harry Potter and the gang defeat Voldemort. They figure out magic is in another town. So they visit Storybrooke. They make friends with the people who live I...