Kade...by Harley Brugh
A dark and intense romance unfolds in an abandoned warehouse where tension and forbidden attraction ignite between Ava, a strong yet vulnerable woman, and Kade, a broodi...
"Cold Hearts, Dark Shadows."by @dark_anthophile.10
Kim Aera and Lee Min-Jae: Bound by betrayal and driven by vengeance, their partnership, forged in the shadows of the underworld, begins to kindle an unexpected flame of...
Shackled Exemptionby Black Angel
Please refrain from controversial remarks and comments. This story is not written to offend any religion and culture. If you cannot digest it, please leave. I won...
Tales Of Secrets-The Shadow and Th...by Puspapriya
I love you as certain Dark things are to be loved, In Secret between The Shadow and The Soul...