Echoes of Love: A Tale of Lucky Upadhyay
In bustling New York City, "Echoes of love" tells the story of Alex and Lily, whose lives intersect through an accidental phone call. Alex, a quirky bookstore...
Into The Mindsetby EJTheTruePoet
Our main character tells the story of the past, present, and future as we learn more about who they are, and what their story really is. Why are all these strange things...
The red tideby Savvails
A tale of two brothers battling out their differences becomes an adventurous journey as Toby (A Privateer Captain) hunts down Peter (A wanted Pirate Captain) to bring hi...
Out Of Timeby Alex Vince
When the world is taken over by the living dead its Tyler's job to survive. A week into hell he found a little boy. With the help of some people he found along the way T...