Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' five stages...by Marz Miracle
This is a research project that I conducted then crafted into this little book. I would like to tell you that I was bored, so I decided to do what I call a 'random resea...
Random anime memes by one oF US ONE OF US
None of these photos are mine!!!! Just some random anime memes that I found 😄
Deku Dives: Adventure In the Under...by Neri Windbornn
Jade is a spry young Deku Scrub who loves adventure and lore. So when one day fellow Deku Roseworth hands her off an ancient scroll to a catacomb deep in the Underground...
A Deku Scrub [ON HOLD]by oshawottsrcool
Witness a story about a Deku Scrub who got lost in the Woods of Mystery and through this experience, he slowly unfolds his true identity and begins to know the true mean...