VLADJI and the Avatars: Family Mat...by Kasandra Lueckenotte
Imira has a hard time forgiving her family after what they did to her. But when a monstrous threat targets her little brother, she can't let it slide. Can she and VLADJI...

VLADJI & the Avatars II: Shady Tac...by Kasandra Lueckenotte
Vinny Lee and the VLADJIs discover a series of incidents has been happening in Miss Marzera's neighborhood, but when they try to get to the bottom of it, they realize so...

VLADJI & the Avatarsby Kasandra Lueckenotte
What to do when your life gets turned upside down?
That's what DJ is going through -- her father has died, her family relocated cross-country from LA to Philly. Things l...