Zarestrū's Reign by ZarixRazing
Zare's revamp, after eons of working to her once known goal has took a drastic turn as did her look on things.
Developing characters: The DevC of...by Zilaphar RazingGod
"Developing characters are a characters, they start from nothing, yet, over time they grow, and grow, and grow. Until you reach a point that normal people, cannot t...
Zarestrū's Wrathby ZarixRazing
The Zeal of death's wrath and rage combined into one. A being who promises to rise to the top.
Original characters of mine who are DevC related. Her Older stats
Original Characters! -DevC- freest...by Zilaphar RazingGod
These are all original DevC characters I have. Feel free to ask questions, or strike up a RP with them.