Dextreme Adventures: Bountiful Bou...by Dex
A strange bounty hunter has arrived to kill Dex once and for all. But this simple hunt devolves into something much greater than our group would ever expect
Dextreme Side Stories: Multiversal...by Dex
After the events of Relive the Great Beginning, James and Yeh find a strange machine that groups multiple universes into one! And anger the ruler of the omniverse. I won...
Dextreme Adventures: Relive the Gr...by Dex
In the near past, two stick figures and one robloxian must battle an Egyptian pharaoh to save the human race, and one robloxian will ascend to a new form and change ever...
Dextreme Adventures: Gift of Senti...by Dex
Dex, Gadget, and James just wanted a simple vacation, seems that being the savior of reality doesn't let that happen however, when someone very bizarre invades their lit...
Dextreme Adventures: Electrical De...by Dex
Storm is caught in a facility and meets a new ally
Dextreme Adventures: EverBrokeby Dex
The end of reality is nigh, and it's all up to Dex and his friends to stop it. The semi-series finale of Dextreme Adventures is here!
Dextreme Adventures: Vexing Brothe...by Dex
Seems as if there's more variants in this omniverse. Dex and Warman meet Baus, The Director, and his universe's variants of themselves along with some others as they tea...
Dextreme Adventures: Condensationby Dex
The origins behind Storm's powers, and who Raichu was
Dextreme Adventures: Enriched Chaosby Dex
When Dex gets poisoned, it's up to Gadget, James, and a new ally named Visvio to venture to a strange cave in order to not only fight the culprit, but awaken a new power.