"There is something between us!" is a romantic drama that tells the story of Iliya Markous, a renowned artist from Los Angeles, whose life changes after the be...
Soul land 3: Reclaimers by holy-horchata
Sorry but English is not my first language. Sorry for the bad grammar, i also have dyslexia.
Souland fan fic of how tang wulin becomes the king of humanity. There will b...
Cabin in the woods by Chantal
Hier sammle ich Geschichten, die ich selbst erlebt oder geträumt habe
Hi Sunshineby A.W
Just as how the breeze blows past us without a high or a bye that's how you came into our life, making us realize our dreams. My dear sunshine thank you for coming into...
The story of Madi  by Writer lover
So i what to write this because when I was in elementary school there's Someone in her name was Madi and She used to Always wanna start drama so I'm writing a drama-b...
Weird ass dreams I've hadTMby Zonoka
I have a book like this on my other acc, I forgot the user name so I'm making one here-
Когато си Е.Л. Кръстева
Когато си тъжен
Когато си ти
My Dreams (will never be completed)by Crazylion Tess Ramsey Bowtie...
@new_york_cheesecake gave me a suggestion to write a book, about my dreams. so um....HERE GOES!!! HOPE U ENJOY!!!!
Vivid Dreamsby lieeeee
It's a dream, the kind you have when you sleep.
Roommate Undercover (Finished)by Gulia
Meet Alex . Handsome, talented, catchy and extremely charming. He moves to the big city for work and gets ran over by Yulia. Who knew two different worlds can collide an...
Midnight Campfireby DG
A move to a new place that changed her life. Where Jeannette's path crossed a mysterious handsom jogger that captured her heart.
Andy was never serious with any girls he...
Cuando hay voluntad, se ven los Ana Gabriel :3
¿Alguna vez te has cansado de que te denoten por lo que son los demás? el hecho de que yo viva donde hay gente floja, no quiere decir que yo también lo sea, en fin estoy...
Dream Peaceby PyscoHippieKing
Ongoing worm of fiction I've made in spare time, very amateurish but I hope you enjoy!
No , I Give Upby OfficialShi
When Diamond's dad dies , so does her dreams. She gives up. But when running away she discovers more than she thought , that will make her get on the right path. On th...
The light in darknessby Xion
Have you ever been feared by the world. Treated as if you were a disease that needed to be exterminated. Well I have and others just like me. We are monsters to people's...