Enchanting Loveby cupcakes_donuts34729
"Enchanting Love: The Legend of Sophia and Lucas" is a captivating tale set in the mystical land of Eldoria. This heartwarming story follows the extraordinary...
The Legends Of Eldoria by sasidhar 116
In Eldoria, a magical land where dragon tamers, magicians, swordsmen, beast tamers, and martial artists coexist, a grand alliance fights against encroaching darkness. Th...
Whispers of Destiny: Leo and Luna'...by Sun Light
In the mystical land of Eldoria, a realm veiled in magic and wonder, two fates collide in the bustling city of Ivoryreach. Leo, a young man with an insatiable desire for...
Otherworldby Abbi
Follow Anderson Stone on his journey to the Otherworld.
Part One:
Anderson Stone discovers a world beyond possibility and on the brink of shattering due to his need to...
The Shattered Realmby The Blazing Star
In the heart of Eldoria, a land once brimming with magic and harmony, lies a world fractured by the cataclysmic event known as the Shattering. This shattering not only c...
Divine Chronicles: Azari's Awakeni...by azari
In the mystical realm of Eldoria, demons and gods coexist under a fragile peace treaty. Azari, the son of the fearsome Demon King, lives a seemingly ordinary life in the...
"HIDDEN SECRET OF ELDORIA" is a tale of adventure, courage, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship and love. The young heroes must use their wits, magic, and...
Parting of the Mistby Haru
In "Parting of the Mist," the captivating tale begins in the enchanting land of Eldoria, where magic is interwoven into the very fabric of existence. We are in...
Sombras sobre a Terra Médiaby Daniel Monfardini Giori
A Floresta Negra sempre foi um lugar de mistério e perigo, mas nos últimos meses, estranhos acontecimentos começaram a assolar seus confins sombrios. Rumores de desapare...
**"Elara's Triumph: Conquering the...by Osheen Singh
**Title: Shadow's Bane: Elara's Triumph Over Darkness**
In the mystical town of Eldoria, where legends and myths come alive, Elara is plagued by a paral...
Eternal Bondsby
"Eternal Bonds" is a fantastical tale set in the enchanted realm of Eldoria, where childhood friends Aria and Eirik are separated by their pursuit of higher ed...
Nesta história emocionante, os limites entre anjos e demônios se desvanecem, e o poder da união e da redenção se torna o último raio de esperança para combater o mal div...
New Eldoriaby Draegan
"Book 5: New Eldoria" sets the stage for the crucial 1938 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 in Eldoria, teeming with anticipation. Af...
Eldoria: The New Beginningby Draegan
The Kingdom of Eldoria stood as a beacon of power and authority in the vast lands of Rhagum. Its people toiled under the rule of King Aric Valen, a monarch whose once be...
The Chrystal of Eternityby Marc madman
A young mage embarks on a perilous journey across mystical lands to retrieve the legendary Crystal of Eternity, believed to hold the power to manipulate time itself. As...
The Shadows of Eldoriaby Maria Marly
Eldoria is a vibrant magical realm, divided into four regions, each representing a different elemental force: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The land is rich with magical...