Echoes of Valorby Jack Locke
"Echoes of Valor" is a haunting tale set within a small-town military museum, where an old photograph becomes a portal to the past. When the medium Eliza inves...
The Shadows of Willowbrookby jhguppy123
"The Shadows of Willowbrook" follows a group of friends-Justin, Amanda, Cory, Yasmine, Frank, and Cruz-as they navigate a town plagued by ancient evil. When Co...
"The Enchanted Heart: Unveiling Honey6191
In a mystical forest, a young wanderer named Liam discovers a magical fairy named Aurora, who appears ugly on the outside but radiates beauty from within. Together, they...
Blue as the ocean, silver as the annadirohan
"...The wolf saw Alex and started to walk towards him. The wolf stopped a few meters from Alex. He was a really beautiful wolf, with silvery fur and blue eyes like...
Warrior Squadby Rocky2000xin
This story may be weird and different but humor me and read it you might just love it.
Follow high school students on their journey to be themselves...
METRICby Rocky2000xin
Revenge, Friendship, Betrayal and History
The life story of an assassin turned hero but was really taking his revenge.
Eternal Friendshipby Md Azhar
A story of two friends named Yuzarsif and Suzaini who met after 10 years but shockingly Yuzarsif was spending times with the soul of Suzaini as she was dead.To know the...
If I Die Youngby NatasiaBeveridge
Bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in a river at dawn
Send me away with the words of love song
71.43% mine
It's HER TURNby MadGirlsSpirit
She is a type of girl who used to be got bullied in her school. She is not a nerd, she's simple and good to her love ones. But time has change, ang mga sakit na nararamd...
Alice (One Shot)by 👻 Horror Bima 👻
Anil found his ethereal friendship in a person he never thought he would.
Alice found her platonic friendship in a person she never thought she would meet in her lifetim...