In the not-so-distant future, where the boundaries of technology and humanity blur, "Time Paradox" delves into the life of Anil, a visionary driven by a dream...
The Memory Collectorby Crow
In a future society where memories are tradable commodities, Elena is a skilled memory collector navigating the ethical complexities of her profession. Armed with a devi...
The Lone Wolfby itsryanjason
This short story is to be lead to interpretation on humans compatibility, and understanding.
Project Edenby Frostbyte
In a world transformed by centuries of environmental decline, Earth has become an ominous, gray landscape devoid of its once vibrant hues. Scientists, in a last-ditch ef...
The Legacy of Shadowsby Enigma Explorers
Step into the unknown, where shadows whisper secrets, and destinies are written in the cosmic fabric. A world where reality is a tapestry of enigma and power awaits thos...
Agony of Annaby Anonymous
In "Revenge" we follow the life of Anna, a single mother who grapples with the challenges of raising her son, Ezekiel, in a world where biocomputing technology...
Roarby VersesVibes
This isn't quite a conventional story; instead, it's a gathering of short poems that hint at different facets of life's journey.
The Horizon: the journey is about to ge...
Shadows of Binaryby JustKeepGoing
Embark on a thrilling journey into the heart of the digital underworld with "Shadows of Binary." This captivating series delves into the clandestine world of h...
Resurrected: A Journey Across Timeby MirellaLoretta
In the heart of a cold, futuristic city, tech genius Jaxon yearns for a love that feels real in a world overrun by artificial intelligence. His world turns upside down w...