The Fitnah of Islamic Storiesby WalkingToJannah
Do not let your book be a reason for Allah to be upset with you.
The fundamental issue of the growing library of Islamic books on Wattpad is the spiritual accuracy of t...

Islam: A Guide to Salvationby Syed
This is a book which shall detail the basic outline of Islam from the 5 pillars with a description as well as diving into Aqeeda and Fiqh. Outlining the basics of prefo...

FIQHI MASAAILby Umm Abduljaleel
Some important Islamic masaail usually from the hanafi fiqh of thought by Maulana Huzaifa Palanpuri

Pikiran Kacau seorang FILSUF, SUFI...by roJACK
Efek samping ketika kau mulai mempelajari berbagai pemikiran yang kadangkala terasa saling bertolak belakang, seperti ketika kalian mempelajari ilmu filsafat yang kemudi...

FIQH OF Nisaby samreen fathima
Bismillah hir rahman niraheen
Islam is a complete way life.Deen has taught us everything in detail.
Including the teaching of girls Masail.
Have a good understanding o...

A Message To Every Youthby Shaykh Abdullah Azzam
In his book al-Fawaid, Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned ten useless matters that cannot be benefited from.
However, the greatest of these matters is the wasting of the heart, a...

Knowledge Every Muslim Should Have...by أم حنون
Articles written solely by myself on things every Muslim should know or be aware of using authentic sources.
Cover: Zammurad

Muslimah's Daily Dose.by lisco03
Salam alaika/ki, my book isn't really a normal story but it is about Islamic inspirational/motivational quotes. And Questions and answers on Fiqh(Islamic Jurisprudence)...

Islamic Advicesby Ummi&Bunayya
It is a gathering of naseeha, as well as wisdom, quotes, stories. It is for you, from you.