12-year-old orphan, Bunny Spark, and her twin brother, Beau, live above their family's run-down department store in the grim, industrial town of Grayton. A strange perfu...
Todd Follett - Goal-oriented Profe...by Todd Follett
Office Manager at Health Catalyst | Former Service Operations Coordinator at Procurri
Todd Follett - Office Manager - Ea...by
Office Manager at Health Catalyst | Former Service Operations Coordinator at Procurri
Todd Follett - Remarkably Capable...by Todd Follett
Office Manager at Health Catalyst | Former Service Operations Coordinator at Procurri
Born at the Wrong Timeby Emily
Have you ever felt like you were born at the wrong time? This is a short story about that and love and time travel.
Todd Follett - Office Manager at H...by Todd Follett
Office Manager at Health Catalyst | Former Service Operations Coordinator at Procurri
Todd Follett - Easton, Massachuset...by Todd Follett
Office Manager at Health Catalyst | Former Service Operations Coordinator at Procurri