The Fourth Miracle of Emmaline Gra...by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Please, she prayed, let this not be the one that gets noticed. Just give me a little more time....
Early Warning Systemby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
"Things are going to get complicated and dangerous," Ophelia said.
Can We Have a Little Privacy Over...by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
The dead don't go where they aren't respected.
(Friday Fictionette for February 23, 2018)
How the Elephant's Child Lost Her...by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Haven't we already covered that whole "be careful what you wish for" thing? All right, then.
The Wine Cellar That Wishedby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
The walls have ears and a guilty conscience.
Please To Confirm Your Appointment...by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
First they came for my dentist's office, and I said nothing, because I had no idea what the hell was going on...
All the Flowers of the Field (Exce...by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Reports indicate a possible feud between the head caretaker and the dead caretaker.