Space Squad featuring Kamen Rider...by Justin Wallerson
This is Space Squad, a coalition of space heroes from different worlds assigned by the Galactic Union Police. With their growing number of members, they fight the evil c...
Universal Heroes: Doctor Who vs Su...by he who walks alone
Six worlds unite together as a multi-universal threat is attempting to risk the entire fabric of space, time and reality we know itself.
When a force to destroy the good...
Blood Tiesby Katy_smith123
Maria Grand is practically a Slave in the boarding school she works at. Her parents left her at The steps of the school when she was just a newborn. Her life changes wh...
Gavan Guy (Space Sheriff Gavan x F...by smolestidol
After his ship crashes in the U.S. City of Quahog, Gavans newest mission requires him to cross paths with the griffin family, leading to intense battles and funny moments
Gavan DxDby ShotaLuka
(Male OC Gavan X High School DxD)
One day, a young man goes to the Earth from the planet Bird on a mission. A space warrior with armed combat suit, high-tech weapons and...