Space Squad featuring Kamen Rider...by Justin Wallerson
This is Space Squad, a coalition of space heroes from different worlds assigned by the Galactic Union Police. With their growing number of members, they fight the evil c...
Universal Heroes: Doctor Who vs Su...by he who walks alone
Six worlds unite together as a multi-universal threat is attempting to risk the entire fabric of space, time and reality we know itself.
When a force to destroy the good...
Gavan DxDby ShotaLuka
(Male OC Gavan X High School DxD)
One day, a young man goes to the Earth from the planet Bird on a mission. A space warrior with armed combat suit, high-tech weapons and...
Blood Tiesby Katy_smith123
Maria Grand is practically a Slave in the boarding school she works at. Her parents left her at The steps of the school when she was just a newborn. Her life changes wh...
Gavan Guy (Space Sheriff Gavan x F...by smolestidol
After his ship crashes in the U.S. City of Quahog, Gavans newest mission requires him to cross paths with the griffin family, leading to intense battles and funny moments