Gh2 Stories

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10 Stories

Carpenter's Closure by MisterGH2
Carpenter's Closureby GH2
Closure is a myth. As much as you want to settle things, it may not be necessary.
Satellite by MisterGH2
Satelliteby GH2
Being the "social butterfly" can feel like you're an asteroid.
Fishing For Answers by MisterGH2
Fishing For Answersby GH2
I always want to know about things that happened, but well after the dust has cleared and people have moved on...
Pride by Proxy by MisterGH2
Pride by Proxyby GH2
Being the one others live vicariously through can be exhausting...
Madame Brick by MisterGH2
Madame Brickby GH2
Talking to a brick wall may be embarrassing, but don't hate on the wall; she's a great listener!
Writer's Block by MisterGH2
Writer's Blockby GH2
Writer's Block isn't just a state of mind; it's a purgatory.
The Spelun King by MisterGH2
The Spelun Kingby GH2
Rival to Madame Brick, The Spelun King prefers to dominate the conversation.
(Art)-(ist) by MisterGH2
(Art)-(ist)by GH2
Sometimes, it is hard to separate the art from the artist.
The Man Who Remembers Everything by MisterGH2
The Man Who Remembers Everythingby GH2
The forgotten man who remembers everything because he doesn't know how to forget...
Oh J by MisterGH2
Oh Jby GH2
A poem about betrayal.