Harvey Quinnby Me Luke
This is a Gotham story based on the show Gotham the story starts off in season 3 episode 13 this is a story about Harvey Bullock and his troubles that lead him to a diff...
A truth disguised as a lie.by Mordred Llewelyn Jones
A short Nygmobblepot fic for Tumblr Nygmobblepot week 2018. Day 1 prompt: Fake date/marriage.
Set during season 3.
To help Penguin cement his position as the ruler and m...
Seizing my gutsby Jade Valeska
Oswald's... Alive. And here with Edward. On the other side of those damn bars.
Memories flood Ed's brain- as he realizes that his second chance at love has been here the...
Damn you, Edward Nygma!by YaraVannor
Basically how I would love them to reunite :D (wishful thinking I know)
Anyways, hope you enjoy ;)
(It's quite angsty with a fluffy ending)