A War within (Combination Of War...by Smiley
These are a combination of short stories to do with either a war or a historical event. This includes Vietnam war, Anzac, The great fire of London, and an after war prev...
Zealandby Michael Walsh
A bastard by birth and orphaned at twelve, Charles has learnt to fend for himself in 1660s London. Homeless, he seeks shelter for the night in some canvas aboard a barge...
Poor Maryby Bonnieshooter
Poor Mary is now 363, she was hidden under the floor boards until the fire set her free.
The Great Fire Of Londonby Bilal Khan
In This Story, many people were in trouble. Because of the Great Fire In London.
In Wattpad this story is told by B. H. K.
London's Dirty Secretby Demon Knight
I am a homeless orphan, but on the streets of London, no one is safe.
Especially not now.