Deserie, a young woman living in a small town, finds herself trapped in the clutches of Mayor Axel, a powerful and sinister figure. With a network of loyal guards and a...
In the high-stakes world of Blackstone Industries, power is the ultimate currency, and everyone is willing to pay the price. When the sudden death of CEO William Connors...
After the mysterious death of her husband, a woman learns that his business partners were involved in foul play. Feigning ignorance, she pretends to work with them while...
"A child born of deceit, a heart consumed by vengeance, and a family's dark secrets waiting to be unraveled..."
After a whirlwind night, I discovered I was pre...
Nancy Drew In Case Of The Blue Orchard Necklace ..
It's the Eve of Nancy & her new boyfriend Chads 1 month anniversary together , what is a celebration without secrets...
In the shadows of a legacy steeped in betrayal, "Ephemeral Vengeance - Echoes Across Time" unfolds as a haunting tale of retribution and redemption. Journey wi...
Tristan Halloway, alongside Marigold Mendoza and Nicholas Herald enroll at the illustrious Dawnbreaker Academy. Behind the golden gates and honorifics, lies a plot to un...
In the bustling heart of Seoul, Detective Kim Min-Jae unravels the enigma of Park Ji-Yeon's disappearance, plunging into a realm of corporate intrigue and criminal shado...
"The Quantum Paradox" is a mind-bending science fiction thriller that delves into the fascinating realm of quantum mechanics. Set in a near-future world where...
short stories collection of a daily update company, the main writer in the daily update, karla got stuck with inspiration for her next draft for a crime scene, and...
In a world where politics and passion collide, Lily finds herself entangled in a deadly game of love, hate, and revenge.As a powerful politician's daughter, Lily's life...
Detective Inspector Michael Sullivan"Shadows of Deception" is a gripping murder mystery set in Ravenwood Manor, where Detective Inspector Michael Sullivan unra...
She's one of holder of the five elements that comprises our life and our world. She have her dark past she can't escape and keep on reminding her. She's the last element...
She wakes up in a stranger's home, clutching a vial marked "Your Memories," but with no recollection of who she is or how she got there. Every tim...
Step into the enigmatic mosaic where secrets are woven into the fabric of everyday life and the shadows of suspicion dance in the dimly lit corners. In "A Mosaic of...
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Thanks for diving into The Winds of Maskaram!
Imagine this: a hidden school in Ethiopia, where magic runs deep, ancient prophecies keep ever...
"I was just a driver. He was the most wanted man in the city. I should've stayed away, but once you're under his control, there's no escape."
When Eleanor is on the brink of being fired, she unexpectedly becomes the company's last hope during a high-stakes cyber attack. Armed with newly acquired hacking skills...
Memories are a currency in New Elysium, and Anya has vanished into the hands of a ruthless collector. Her brother, Elias, armed with a single fragmented memory chip, div...