In a twist of fate, Ishita finds herself at the home of Avinash Kapoor, a man whose imposing presence and commanding authority are known far and wide. What was meant to...
In an alternate timeline where Itachi spares Sasuke and takes him under his wing within the Akatsuki, Sasuke grows up surrounded by darkness, honing his skills and his t...
Have you ever fallen in love? Allow me to introduce Courtney Anville, a hopeless romantic girl, according to her friends. Little did her friends know, Courtney has a pec...
jimin has spent his life longing for his perfect match to come into his world. Little did he expect that the person who would capture his heart would be none other than...
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking ahead of me" the stranger kept blurting out apologies.
I couldn't stop staring at him, the way his blonde twist...
Gabriel Corbett, a straight writer of gay romance, clings to control as if his life depended on it. Plain looking and suffering from a slight limp he loves living in the...
Heidi is stunned to hear her recently widowed mother is getting married out of the blue. So she has to jet to Cyprus, make sure it's all above board. There she meets a m...
Have you ever asked yourself what we would look like if we were standing in front of a mirror which had scrutinized our soul?
Primarily, I just wanted to express some th...
Love me like you do... Touch me like you do...
"What are you waiting for?"
~Inspired by the title itself, Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding.~
Just a one sh...
'falling inlove wasn't in his vocabulary'
Luke whose being nice guy around.
Luke, play life as what it takes, he didn't want anything. He thinks anything in his life is...
PARENTAL GUIDANCE: some thematic elements. One of my first poems.. Instead of following one theme throughout the entirety of this poem, this poem changes topics the same...