Emma's quiet life takes a thrilling turn when she stumbles upon a mysterious pen cursed with unimaginable power. As danger looms, Jake, her enigmatic protector, appears...
This is the first part of a miniseries I'm creating called "The Chronicles of Grief".
Crimson wakes up thinking it's a normal day. As she heads off on a daily...
Join Elara's enchanting journey from "Whispers of Wonder" to " A Forever Tale of Wonder." Ordinary life transforms into an extraordinary odyssey fill...
The Shadow Guard.
Everyone knows their names. Strom. Arlo. Ignacio. Jaylon. Flynn. Zeke. Gaige. Crewe. Donte. Elien. Brice. Darryl.
In a world where vampires rule over...
His tears land on necklace and suddenly it start glowing. Xichen keep looking at it thinking what is happening and next second he fell unconcious on floor.
What next???