The story revolves around Angela, who pleads with Jaiden not to leave her for Catherine, her friend. Amidst the emotional turmoil, Angela discovers she is pregnant, and...
Hiding the red-flag's daughter (Hi...by Elysiaaa
He was kind...before. He was nice, before. He was gentle, before. He was her standard, before. And he was a green-flag, before...
What if the man that you love for a lon...
Hiding His Daughter [On-Going] BOO...by leziabookstories
Sa lahat ng tao, bakit ikaw pa? Sana hindi nalang kita nakilala.
Amor Inesperadoby Gileen Pearl
Saffira Amor Valencia is the unikahija of their family. Their family is known in their town because of its kindness and helpful nature.
Shan Astrid Castro, on the other...