A Whisker Away: A Dog's Tale (ONGO...by emetchayeni
Based on A Whisker Away movie directed by Junichi Sato and Tomotaka Shibayama on 2020, the epilogue will revolve in the future where Kazuya, the son of Sasaki Miyo and H...
Leap of Faithby Webby
She heard the gasps and the screams, yet she ran, ran as fast as she could, screaming for the mask seller, she was done. Done with this world.
Reaching Immortalityby River
A tale of several provinces that begin a long campaign for reign over the other. Join by marriage, calm the waters with trade, or force submission - war will break out...
Faked feelings..and true?by MYFANICSIDE
What if hinode actually accepted her confession because of her scary friend glaring at him and his low self-confidence to put himself out there, At first it was out of p...
The Land Of The Rising Sunby Dømishaxøx
T.L.O.T.R.S is a story about a boy and a king. (lel i tryed my hardest)