#1❤brynny boo❤by ❤ B R Y N N Y ❤7041397this book is not worth your time reading. but if you read, pm me.justreaditrandomrelationships+3 more #2Fazbros_Fright Announcementsby WafflePad Community1502Announcements!!collabinfofrightreadthis+3 more #3Left Outby bronehay623901Hey, this is just a wee poem to sum up some things I sometimes think.Completedjobslifeconfused+4 more #4Rants & important thingsby Mhoren703basically what the title says ^importantthingsrants #5random crapby a link to his room402a load of rambling And obnoxisnesrandomqnarambling+2 more #6Important Thingsby Taeyoonminkook<323914^The title^ You can thank my email 😑😡🙄.importantthingsmylifemyobbsessions #7News.by MinYoongineedme4205Just some news of me and what i am doing or if I've changed or something like that.lifenewsimportantthings+2 more #8Important Thingsby i.3102Important things that everybody is (or should be) talking about.idkhowtowritetagsimportantthingshaveanicenight+4 more