Indianorigin Stories

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3 Stories

The Weasley Squib. by Arecynthia
The Weasley ∫ₜ₌ⱼ ᵛ⁼ⁿ³²ᶤ αℓєχ уσυηg[Δν = ι...
The day's Ginny's birthday. Day 11th August 1981. Voldemort never existed but the world was plagued by Grindelwald, whom Dumbledore's subdued for the last 35 years. Wha...
Police officer Sandeep Singh shot dead in America by news-honk
Police officer Sandeep Singh NEWS HONK
Indian-origin Sikh police officer Sandeep Singh shot dead in America. A Sikh police officer of Indian origin is shot dead in Texas City, USA. The accused had fired sever...
Just Me. by TushitaSrivastava
Just Tushita Srivastava
Hey there I am Kumar, 17. And this is my story. New Home, New City, New School, New Acquaintances every 2 years or so for me... And that surely implies, No Friends...