Star-Crossed Hearts: The Rise of L...by Maddy
In the vibrant world of friendship and fame, two best friends, Kylie Cantrall and Malia Baker, navigate the trials and triumphs of young love. Set against the backdrop o...
Love's Resilienceby Mónica Patricia Yactayo Gudiel
Love's Resilience is a captivating love drama that explores the passionate and enduring romance between Patricia, an ordinary graphic designer, and Cara Delevingne, a fa...
Unraveling Heartsby BreNewton
"Unraveling Hearts" is a captivating young adult love romance drama that follows the journey of Rihanna, a witty and sassy teenager with a fear of men and inse...
Eternal Connection: A Love Story B...by Mónica Patricia Yactayo Gudiel
Eternal Connection is a heartfelt and inspiring novel that traces the extraordinary love story between international superstar Cara Delevingne and an ordinary graphic de...
Beholder of Beautyby C. S. Brown
A woman, who is critical on her appearance, focuses and obsess over the "perfection" of another woman. She has the perfect man, perfect smell, hair, and body...
Cara Delevingne: Unleashedby Mónica Patricia Yactayo Gudiel
In these pages, Cara Delevingne invites you to embark on a journey-a journey of authenticity, self-discovery, and positive change.
Alone No Moreby Shankar Hanchinal
"Alone No More" is a heartwarming and captivating tale of love, resilience, and the transformative power of human connection. The story follows Sam, a withdraw...
Embrace Your Authentic Selfby Mónica Patricia Yactayo Gudiel
In these pages, Cara Delevingne invites you to embark on a journey-a journey of authenticity, self-discovery, and positive change.
Eternal Connectionby Mónica Patricia Yactayo Gudiel
Eternal Connection is a captivating love drama that tells the extraordinary story of Patricia, an ordinary graphic designer, and Cara Delevingne, a renowned celebrity. P...