Earth Warriors (Undergoing Revisio...by Luigi98
In the year 2026, an alien race called the Zlocu led under the command of the bloodthirsty Emperor, Malgan Tomentradi, are waging war across the stars, believing that th...
Connecting with Scripture: A Pasto...by Thom O'leary Mountainbrook
Suppose one day someone were to ask you which Bible passage you favor the most. If you've ever wondered why some people find so much meaning in those pages while others...
Jira Software and ServiceNow Integ...by Techsynq
SynQ lets you integrate ServiceNow with any enterprise app such as Salesforce, Workday or cloud or on premise application for a unified data experience.
How to Integrate Magento with Quic...by sadio mane
With QuickBooks Online Integration, you can connect your Magento 2 store with your QuickBooks Online account and synchronize information between them automatically inclu...
Pentaho Data Integration Training...by Global online Trainings
Pentaho Data Integration training is basically an ETL tool which provides data warehousing solutions.
Signs Of A Killer by ©harli£ Du©©
This story is told in two perspectives
John: A deranged psychopath that tells the murders of his victims and the points leading up to them.
Shane:One of LA's best detec...