Isshin10toshiro Stories

14 Stories

Understanding II: School Daze (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Understanding II: School Daze ( Yemi Hikari
Having stayed with the Kurosaki's for a week, Toshiro decides that he will make an attempt to fit in. Unfortunatly for him and Isshin, he still has to deal with Karin. D...
Understanding (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Understanding (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
One small thing can change the world and in this world the small thing that ended up changing everything was the fact Momo didn't go into a comma. Words end up being sai...
The Princess by NarutoHitsugaya
The Princessby I need a life
This is an inspired version of 'The Princess' on my step-sibling's account (CloudNarutoNamikaze). Minato arranged a marriage for Naruto before she was born. As a child...
Admiration (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Admiration (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding, that was what Aizen told Toshiro. So, does that mean that the person he admired a long time ago isn't someone he und...
School Stinks [Bleach Fanfic] by yemihikari
School Stinks [Bleach Fanfic]by Yemi Hikari
Toshiro's mentally out of it after the war with the Quincy. Due to the fact he has had little interaction with his age group Ukitake and Kyoraku end up coming up with th...
Care Package (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Care Package (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
After the Winter War... things happen, that just simply makes things crazy. Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 08-13-10.
The Shinigami sons. by HoshiroKurogaya
The Shinigami ⱧØ₴ⱧłⱤØ ₭ɄⱤØ₲₳Ɏ₳
Kakashi Hatake is the son of Sakumo Hatake and Kanta Uchiha Hatake. Kakashi is a prodigy since he graduated the Shinobi academy when he was 5, 6 Chunin, 12 Jounin, 13 An...
IS SHE THE ONE? by NebartTemboJnrIII3
IS SHE THE ONE?by Nebart Tembo Jnr III
After falling in love deeply and getting cheated by the woman he could have die for, he promise himself never to fall in love again. Women to him became conquest. What h...
Hinamori's Letter (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Hinamori's Letter (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
Momo-chan decides to get her frustrations out by writing a letter to a former taicho. Unfortunatly, instead of being towards her former taicho, it is to Hitsugaya Toshir...
Glacialus Sub Ubi (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Glacialus Sub Ubi (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
An old prank that Toshiro playied on Matsumoto in the past rather comes back to haunt him. Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach Note - Original publication date 6/24/2009.
Fishing (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Fishing (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
Traditions are traditions, even if they are, to say the least... rather on the odd side of things... but are they really? And can they continue even when people are sepa...
Irony of Isshin (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Irony of Isshin (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
Kurosaki Isshin's whole life is filled with irony, sometimes painful, sometimes not so. He can only do what he can do, even if something bad happens. Disclaimer - I don'...
Ice-cream (Bleach Fanfic) by yemihikari
Ice-cream (Bleach Fanfic)by Yemi Hikari
Some childhood memories are the kind that one can never forget easily... when Toshiro's former taicho teaches him what ice-cream is. Disclamier - I don't own Bl...