#1God Or Just A Writer?by FABX1241601Um...Idk, read it. I forgot. It's fucking random, so you figure it out.Completedtagingfortagingimboredfamn+4 more #2so I got tagged?by *wheeze*2101this should be funwhatamidoingwithmylifewhatshoulditagforatagitsatag+2 more #3Fading Memoriesby lexie9214I love you...you know.idkitsataglove+2 more #4ITS A TAG BUT IM NOT FUCKING TAGGI...by 🏴o l i v e r 🏳5824I forced myself to do thisitsatagsatanisdadtag #5Random shatby Rage Silver1511Yeahfuckyouihatepeopleitsatag #6Taggedby toobaak26051631So it's a tag.... I supposeitsatagitsplease+5 more