An Alien, A Bird And Two Humans by Rosey Pops
This story begins with two space ships monitering there creators home planet. In one there were two anpramorphic blue aliens above there heads were floating attaenas, ho...
Eddsworld Shitpost™by W H Ě Â Ť™
A thing filled with random Eddsworld stuff.
Help me I can't write descriptions
Chrysalis: Tokyo Ghoul Fanfictionby shit boi I die
a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.
Art I create when I find something...by ✨💜On💜✨
Basically whenever I'm in a drawing mood I go to Pinterest and find an image and just draw it.
Shitty Poemsby ash
Shitty. Motherfuckin. Poetry.
Simple as that
(Disclaimer: I've never read a fuckin poem in my entire fuckin life and I got no fuckin clue what the fuck a poem is suppos...