JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy U...by Skono
In the ever-expanding JoJo universe, a new saga begins with "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Resonance Reborn." Follow the journey of Joaquin, an ordinary individual...
JJBA: Glass Heartby Bluemoon
Reeling from the death of her parents, Shizuka Joestar adjusts to life as the head of her family's fortune in her New York City apartment. While dealing with her loss an...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9: S...by Jolene Joestar
The JoJo Part 9 community project headed from r/part9lore on Reddit. Follow Jolene Joestar and co as they fight back against unfair imprisonment and rampant monopolies...
crumsy jungy x readerby melancholy
based around the comic by my buddy
pls read it
art is his unless specif...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Empire...by gaburiii
Rio de Janeiro, 2006. Valentino Corsini is a 19-year-old boy who steals for a living. But not everyone knows that the young man possesses a mysterious power, which allow...
Lucky Sevens chapter oneby epic gamer
you are a news journalist sent to a ghost town to find the next big scoop and you find an old man who might just have exactly what your looking for