Inspired by the Indian film "Dilwale" (2015) and the Korean film "Smugglers" (2023), this movie centers on Han Jung-Ha (played by Lee Jung-Ha) and Jo...
Flashy Confessionby byhyjy
Han Hyo-Joo and her engineering friends, including her seatmate Jo In-Sung, share a tight bond. As Hyo-Joo and In-Sung grow closer, their friendship evolves into somethi...
Unexpected Business Serendipity || byhyjy
Two people find themselves at a fork in the road in the picturesque province of Jeolla-Do. After a tumultuous fallout with his family, Jo In-Sung, once a spoiled scion o...
Days Like Theseby zojiyoung
A cover story for Lee Mihyun and Kim Dooshik in Another Universe, wherein they are both doctors who are really in love both with their career and with each other.
Home Sweet Heartache || Jo byhyjy
Selling the house should be easy, but not when it's the battleground for two ex-lovers.
Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author'...
Tracks of Fate || Jo In-Sung x byhyjy
Follow the heartwarming journey of Han Hyo-Joo, a talented track and field athlete, and Professor Jo In-Sung, a handsome and reserved professor of Theater and Film. Thei...